Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Nsa s Surveillance On U.s. Spy Programme - 1250 Words

The NSA is an agency that started surveillance on U.S. citizens and people around the world after 9/11 occurred to ensure the nation’s security. The goal of the NSA is to ultimately protect citizens of the U.S. and to keep a massive terrorist event from occurring in the country again. The NSA collected numerous amounts of data on people to find any type of threat that could lead to the distress of the country, but citizens were not aware of this surveillance. The NSA’s secret was eventually exposed and left not only U.S. citizens, but countries around the world outraged. As mentioned in the article, Edward Snowden: Leaks That Exposed US Spy Programme, by BBC News, â€Å"The scandal broke in early June 2013 when the Guardian newspaper†¦show more content†¦The problem is that the NSA clearly has the resources and ability to place surveillance on people, so even though there is some reform, it is still unknown as to what they are doing in secret. The NSA and the government seem to be making changes from the outside, but on the inside they can still continue to get information as they please because of the access they already have in place. Edward Snowden was a man who worked for the NSA and exposed all of the information that the NSA was accessing from U.S. citizens and those people around the world. Through his actions Snowden did break the law, â€Å"He has been charged with theft of government property, unauthorized communication of national defense information and willful communication of classified communications intelligence† (BBC News). Even though Snowden knew he would be charged for his actions, he still wanted to do the right thing and expose to the people what the NSA was doing. Snowden was looking at the information that was being collected and realized it was not necessary to keep Americans safe. Instead, collecting this information was abruptly digging into their lives and going against their rights as human be ings. When this information was exposed, the citizens wanted the government and the NSA to ultimately change what exactly they were accessing and how they were accessing it. This event that SnowdenShow MoreRelatedGovernment Surveillance5539 Words   |  23 PagesGovernment Surveillance Imagine a world where your every move was being monitored. A dark world where it is no secret who you are, where you have been and who you associate with; now include who you love, who you pray to and what you just ate for dinner. The word privacy doesn’t exist in such world and it is such world that we are heading to.â€Å"Big Brother is watching you!† This quote by George Orwell couldn’t have been truer. Every aspect of our lives is being sorted through as Big Data this very

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